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Latest Fake News:
Gas prices reach all-time low, just $0.69 in Northern Texas

Manhattan and Protest Armies – Starbucks Profits Soar
At a rally for climate change activists, baristas at the Times Square Starbucks reported an influx of orders for oat milk lattes.

Russia's 'Pimp My Tank' Program: Is It a Turtle?
Combining a Tesla CyberTruck, a ninja turtle and a tent, this latest creation from Russia's tank factories has left everybody wondering.

Interstellar Intrigue: Aliens Mistake Reality TV Show for Galactic Comedy
In an unprecedented turn of events, the citizens of Earth found themselves at the center of a cosmic comedy when aliens paid a visit.

New Debate Strategy: Trump and Harris Get Personal Mute Buttons
the latest debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris introduced a brand-new feature: personal mute buttons.

The word 'woman' is derogatory, woke leftists say
What sounds about wrong can never be right. Or have you ever heard of a "persondate"? No, we are not talking about two people going on a...

George W. Bush warns Putin: 'Invading is terrible idea!'
"Invading Ukraine is such a terrible idea, because his army will be even more destroyed than my last workout."
Martha Moving - Real People. Real Moves.
Book your move today! Find out more.

The Misadventures of Hank: In Search of the Elusive Five Guys Burgers
With his stomach grumbling and his taste buds tingling in anticipation, Hank embarked on his quest. By Johannes Becht

Trying to make ends meat: Teacher takes job at chicken processing plant
This Oklahoma teacher bumped up her eggucation.

European extremist pushes to rename 'footwear' to 'meterwear'
"I couldn't stand the thought of Americans using 'foot' as a unit of measurement for something you put on your feet."

From 'Netflix & Chill' to 'Netflix & Drill': How to get online drill instructor certification
"Who knew that yelling at a screen could be so therapeutic?" he chuckled.

Narcissist & Self-Checkout: 'Choose the best-looking Cashier'
"Self-checkouts are a breeding ground for narcissists," Dr. Real Cool, who studied at Harvard.

Amber Heard changes name to Heart for more empathy
Apparently, Amber Heard is becoming Amber Heart.
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